SBS XL Series

SBS XL Series

The Next Generation of High Temperature Batteries 

As the increased need for digital information continues, both telecom and cable suppliers need to keep up. They have responded by adding additional equipment in central offices and data centers – adding heat to an already fragile environment. Cooling costs continue to rise and are escalated by the density of communication equipment. These extra costs have led to the development of a new battery designed to operate at higher temperatures, allowing end users to raise the AC set points and reduce their maintenance costs.

With a 10 year design life @ 95°F (35°C), PowerSafe SBS XL batteries are designed to take the heat. The PowerSafe SBS XL battery series comes from a respected lineage, the industry leading, EnerSys SBS Thin Plate Pure Lead (TPPL) battery. SBS XL takes the SBS to the next level. The SBS XL is designed to provide 10 years of life at 95°F (35°C) in back up applications at high operating temperatures. The value of this innovative new line is a true cost savings to the operator for both cooling and maintenance.

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